Friday, May 15, 2015

Five On Friday: Beginning of Summer Edition

Hello! It's been a crazy few weeks for me. Between finals, graduation for my boyfriend, and the beginning of field experience and work for me! So… my five for Friday is a catch up on all the happenings for me.

 I had tons of time during finals week to relax, which was weird. But my finals were spread out and not that bad, so I went to Dunkin one day for Happy Hour! I'm obsessed with Cookies and Cream iced coffee! And I drank it sitting out by the lake on my college's campus. It was glorious.
I got to see my friend Elise!! She drove up from home to go to dinner with me. It was so much fun getting to catch up, even with a crazy waitress at our Eat n Park.
The boyfriend graduated last Saturday! I'm soooo proud of him and his amazing accomplishments! I stayed around campus and extra few days just to be there, and it is definitely a day I wouldn't have missed for the world! I can't wait to see what he does and where life will take him!
I started field experience this week, which means I'm in a first grade classroom all day. It's a ton of fun and a wonderful learning experience. I love the kiddos and I'm at a great school. It's strange to not be at the school I grew up in, but when that school is two and a half hours away, I could not handle that commute! I am so glad I decided to become a teacher and I cannot wait for the future.

I started my summer job! I'm doing day camp with a bunch of school age kids at a local preschool/ child care center and I can't wait! It'll be a lot like last summer, where I worked at the sleep away Christian Camp that I grew up at, except I can go home at the end of the day to my own bed, and I have weekends to see people! I can't wait to plan activities and spend time with the kids!

So… I am now linking up with April, since the other wonderful hostesses are on summer break!

Happy Weekend!

-Sydney Liz

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