Wow… I can't believe it is already January 2015. But since this is my first blog post, I might as well put out some things about me.
I'm Sydney (On left)!
I was on my college's danceline for the band this past fall. It was so much fun, and the other girls are such awesome people.
I worked at a Christian summer camp this past summer with these awesome people. This picture is from the Fourth of July when we all went to a Pittsburgh Pirates game and watched fireworks on the river. That summer was an amazing experience that I will never forget.
At school, I'm part of an amazing sorority, Sigma Kappa. I love my sisters and it was really the best thing to happen to me. This picture above is of my pick-up class and I'm so glad I've gotten to know these wonderful ladies this past year.
Within my sorority, we have families. The picture above is mine! I love these girls so much and am so blessed to be a part of this family. My big, Mara, is just the sweetest, as is my G-Big, Alex.
This picture is of my roommate, Linsey, and I at our fall sisterhood retreat. We went to a pumpkin patch/ corn maze, because nothing says fall like that, am I right? Also, what else do you do when you go to school in the middle of Amish country? She's a great girl, and I'm so glad we decided to room together this year!
This is my boyfriend, Rob, and I in Pittsburgh over Christmas break. He's great, and I'm in denial that graduation is in five months.
Last, but certainly not least, are my parents. I love them both so much. As an only child, you get pretty close to your parents, and I'm lucky enough to call these two mine! School means I don't see them as often as I use to, but that just makes it better when I do.
So, I'm hoping to make this blog my own little piece of the internet where I can chronicle my year and my adventures through life!
- Sydney Liz