Today, I finished student teaching. Today, I finished my college career at Westminster College. Tuesday, I will start substitute teaching. Next Saturday, I graduate. At this stage in my life, everyone is asking "How you do feel?" or "Aren't you so sad that college is over?". My answer to any of these questions is "I feel great" and "No". Sure I'm anxious that I don't have a job for the fall yet. Sure I'll miss having people around all the time and the fact that I'm never alone. I've loved the last four years at Westminster. I've met some of the best people, I've taken classes taught by amazing faculty that have gone from professor to mentor, and I joined a sorority that will forever have an impact on my life. But…
I still have so much to look forward to. I have an apartment I'm moving into. I will start substitute teaching and will be on my own in the classroom, something I've wanted for forever. I am searching for my own classroom where I can teach children and do things "my way". I just got engaged and get to look forward to planning a wedding and a life with an amazing guy. How could I not be excited for all of the wonderful things that are to come for me?
So I wanted to blog about this stage in my life because I know that one day I will look back and want to remember what this time felt like. One day, I might have a daughter who is at this same point and wanted to know what Mom felt like when she was here. Or, this post might reach someone else who is at my same stage and feeling the same way, but feeling guilty that she doesn't think that the best four years of life are behind her and she's excited to see what the next chapter holds. I'm not wishing away my time until I graduate. I'm just saying that graduation day does not mean the end. It is only a beginning.
So to end this post, here are some of the amazing pictures that were taken from my engagement and the best birthday present ever.
-Sydney Liz